The way I work
In depth transformational work for healing and growing in life and relationships

Living Tao courses and sessions
I give in depth support and powerful tools enabling you to work constructively with conflicts or difficulties in your life and relationships. They will support you to open to deep love, presence and connection and live in a way that fulfils you and is rich in natural well being.
I work with simple, yet deep reaching methods that include conscious breathwork, integrative awareness, Taoist meditations and energy cultivation practices.
Together they form an integrated way of transformation that works with every aspect of yourself - the physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual, providing a way of looking under the surface of our existence into the actuality of ourselves.
I have been working with clients since 1981 and facilitating breathwork in workshops since 1983. This is in-depth work that I (together with Ella) have developed over the last 40 plus years, with no gimmicks, no quick fix, but working at the real pace that human beings actually heal, grow and mature and with very real results.
This work will enable you to recognise and release old patterns of emotion, thought and behaviour that keep you limited or trapped in repeating and often destructive scenarios. It will enable you to come into a compassionate self holding where any wounds, hurts and inner fragmentation are healed and integrated. Through this you become centered, fully present and free to be who you actually are.

The Tao and the way I work
The Tao (pronounced Dow) is the undivided unity of being, both the essence and way of the universe. All things are one within the Tao, all emanate from it.
We become at peace, fulfilled and enlightened, when we fully realise our oneness with the Tao. Our courses and sessions give support in realising this oneness by developing the ability to know ourselves as the essential presence within the self.
This is a process that is beyond words or concepts: it happens deep within ourselves as we become fully present and conscious in our bodies, within the depth and breadth of what is in this moment.
This is an earthy, grounded process - illusory ways of living fall away as we come into the actuality of who and what we truly are. It is a journey to awakening, a journey to become strong and aware in heart, body, mind and spirit, fully alive and able to play our part in life.
Wonderful Workshops and Creative Courses
Opening to our essential presence is is at the core of how I work both individually with couples and in groups. This together with discovering the nature of our patterns of thought and emotion and how they affect the core space and can so easily dominate our experience of life and behaviour.
I bring a spacious approach, Wu Wei being the Taoist principal where opening conscious space inside around our issues, in turn makes space for inner intelligence to bring spontaneous insight and healing. No pushing or forcing, just the natural being each of us are is given space to emerge and blossom into our essential creative nature.
The group work offers longer periods of focussed time going step by step through the healing practices and understanding the whole process more deeply. Plus you get the valuable support of a focused group of people – having a healthy community to relate and grow with adds immeasurably to the depth of healing.

The Barefoot Practitioner Training
which we have run over the last twenty one years is a profound journey of self healing and growth: a journey to directly experience, integrate and empower your true nature and bring about deep changes in your life and relationships. It is a practitioner training in that it is about practicing conscious awareness and actual self transformation and in the sense that you will be able to share with others what you put into practice.

Our work is held here at Avalon Permaculture Gardens, our beautiful and simple venue. It is a place that is vibrating with rich nature, alive with healing energy which reaches out for you to connect and merge into the nature that you are yourself.