In depth transformational work for healing
and growing in life and relationships.
Ancient practices and contemporary ways to find freedom, deep inner knowing, conscious presence, love and empowerment.
With Andy Portman

By awakening to our true selves and setting ourselves free from the imprints of the past, our minds become open and creative, our bodies liberated and our hearts filled with love.
This is the peaceful, inner revolution that is needed on the planet now. We take part in this transformation by coming into union with universal presence, into oneness with the Tao.​
The way I work is to help people access their own inner intelligence on all levels and let the natural growing and awakening process unfold from within.
This work naturally emerges from many decades of personal healing and growing through breathwork and meditation as well as being witness to many people transforming their lives by discovering how to live fully as themselves through breathwork, deep trauma healing, meditation, in-depth process and reflection.